How Gratitude Can Transform Your Life ?

The topic of today’s article is practicing gratitude and giving thanks.
Gratefulness is all about being thankful for what you already have, being content with where you currently are in life, with the resources at your disposal, with your loved ones and with what is most important and precious to you.
Do not underestimate the importance of giving thanks for everything you already have in your life, or for simply being alive.
Even if you think, “There is nothing positive in my life right now, everything is a mess, I can’t stand it anymore, I don’t feel like looking for anything positive”, know that where our focus goes, our energy flows. I am confident that if you focus on finding even one small pleasant thing about your day, you will find more than one.
Our thoughts are powerful things. If we focus on the negative, we will only see what is wrong, and fail to notice the good. On the other hand, if we focus on the positive, we will see more of it. This is related to the law of attraction and the Reticular Activation System. It is a small part of our brain that acts in the same way as the law of attraction does relative our energy and what we focus on.
I recommend that you keep a journal where you will write down 3-10 things that you are grateful for every night. Alternatively, you can do it as a mental exercise once the lights are off ,and you are drifting off to sleep.
I challenge you to practice saying either all or at least some of the statements below:
- I am thankful for having woken up, for being able to enjoy the sun that rises in the morning and sets in the evening, and for being alive.
- I am thankful for being able to make use of all my senses: sight, smell, taste, touch, and hearing.
- I am grateful for my health and energy.
- I am grateful for being free.
- I am thankful for always having my fill and not knowing true hunger.
- I appreciate having a job.
- I am grateful for my friends and family.
- I am thankful for everything I already have in my life today, and I am thankful for everything that will enter my life from today onwards, I am grateful for the success that will come to me.
- I am grateful for the person I am today, for all the experiences that I have lived that made me a good, decent and mature person, for my strength of spirit, but also for the challenges that I face because I know they will help me grow and feel proud of myself for overcoming them, I am thankful for the tough times that help me become a more conscious and responsible person.
- I am grateful for the kindness and love that I receive every day, I am grateful for the blessings that I have and that continue to enrich my life, I am grateful for all the surprises that life has in store for me, I am grateful for all the wonderful things that await me.
I would recommend you to repeat these prayers every morning and every night, whenever you can, whenever you are feeling down or whenever you feel like giving thanks for something positive that happened to you that day.
Be grateful even when life puts obstacles in your path, be conscious of them. When you express your thanks for these experiences, you are saying “I accept this is happening, and I’m going to see how I can overcome it.”
It is also important to put in the work to really grow and improve your life. Once you feel that you have done what is necessary to move forward, to evolve, once your consciousness has increased, you can firmly tell the world – the world, God, the angels, the law of traction, the universe, any higher power you believe in – that “It’s enough, I want things to change, I want happiness, I want joy, I want abundance”, and claim them for yourself.

I am a Brussels-based certified life coach here to advise and help clients, especially business owners and managers, in both personal and professional matters.
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